The Fourth finger of my hand: My Identity, Life, and Work as Priest
Chapter 1: Dispositio: How I came to know Jesus and be His priest
@1 While still in the maternal womb I was called by God to follow Jesus, the incarnate Son of the speaking, and therefore living, God the Father who is well pleased in Him His Beloved and only begotten Son (cf. Mt 17:5) to whom no one can come unless sent by Him the Father(cf. Jo. 6:44), the calling Father to whom no one can go unless through Him the Son (cf Jn 14:6).
@2 When I had come out from my mother’s womb, and the baby stage had run its course, I began to hear about Jesus in my boyhood days.
How can I show that the numerically one God is unitriune? A renewed intellectual invitation of Moslems and Jews to a differentiated Monotheism through which to embrace Christianity in the contemporary technoscientific Age.
@1 “I know that you are descended from Abraham; but in spite of that you want to kill me because nothing I say has penetrated into you. What I, for my part, speak of is what I have seen with my Father; …If you were Abraham’s children you would do as Abraham did. As it is, you want to kill me when I tell you the truth as I have learnt it from God; that is not what
Abraham did. …
The Principles, Practice, and Problems of TechnoScience and the Proposal of Possible Solutions
How I came to conceive and develop the Christian (as Religious and Theological) Technoscience
“While in the past most people were opting for only Religion, without Science, instead of for Science and Religion together , today most people are opting for only Science, without Religion…”