Trinity Sunday Greetings and Good Wishes from Fr. John Egbulefu

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As we go on celebrating all day long today this Solemn Feast of the Most Holy Trinity who created us and in the communion - communication and union and sharing - with whom is our salvation,  I wish you the Beatitude (beatitudo) that the divine Trinity is, which contains the happiness (felicitas) that comes from the Essence of God to us humans whom the three persons in one God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - have jointly created in the image and likeness of themselves, the gladness (laetitia) that the Father who renders us warm for the things of heaven  has poured into us who have since the contact with Him come to know the triune God more and more, and the joy (gaudium) that the Son who renders us hot for the things of heaven has entrenched in us who have since our contact with Him come to love the triune God more and more, and the jubilation (jubilatio) that the Holy Spirit who renders us fiery for the things divine has incited in us who have since our contact with Him come to serve the triune God  more and more,  while we humbly  hope of attaining at the end the spiritual goal for which we are always longing, namely holiness on earth and sainthood in heaven, and of meeting the three persons in one God face to face at the end of our earthly pilgrimage to heaven and  of living with them, at the end of the world, their life of eternal love for one another, eternal joy at one another, eternal glorification of one another, and eternal peace with one another,
for ever and ever.

Fr. J. Egbulefu CCE


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